Observational studies are used in many fields. These studies make comparisons from samples to a population. The researchers do not control the independent variables. This can be due to logistical or ethical issues. However, it is important to be aware of the limitations of observational studies. These methods are not suitable for identifying underlying causes of disease. In addition, observational studies are limited in the number of people they can study. They also have a lower power to detect problems.
Unlocking the Truth
One method of observational study that has the potential to be more accurate is “disguised” observation. In this type of research, the researcher is not aware that he is taking part in a study. This allows the researcher to influence the behavior of the subjects without causing the participants to know that they are being observed. In addition, participants are less likely to show reactivity if they are unaware of the researcher. Thus, this method is best suited for determining the causes of psychological distress and can also be more effective than undisguised observation.
Participant observation
This method involves observing people in their natural environment. During participant observation, the researcher takes on a role in the study and gathers data only after assimilating the roles. For example, a scientist might enroll himself as a patient in a rehabilitation facility and observe the way the patients behave. Another example is a business market analyst using participant observation to determine how people use and perceive a specific product or service.
An observational study is less expensive than an experiment. However, the more controls a scientist creates, the more expensive the study is. An observational study can also last for a longer period of time. Scientists can also ask the same questions every year, replicating the exact environment as an experimental study. And because of its lower cost, it is often a more effective way to test a new treatment. So, consider the advantages and disadvantages of both types of observational studies.
The Power of Observational Studies
An observational study is an excellent method for studying the health effects of sugary foods. In a study like this, 200 people will either eat a certain amount of sugary food every day or not. The researchers will then study the participants’ overall health to draw conclusions. The main advantage of an observational study is that it is not influenced by the researchers. That makes it a useful method for a number of different research purposes, especially when ethics are concerned.
While the results of an observational study can be used in other research, it is important to consider the possible confounding factors. Observational studies require a high level of organization to make the research possible. For example, researchers should plan for visits to day cares. They must ensure that their visit is approved by parents, and they must allow adequate time for setting up observations. Because participants are usually unable to consent to their participation, it is important to record and analyze data in an organized manner.